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National Poetry Competition 2018 Winners & Finalists

Note: There may be none or up to 4 winners per category, depending on the standards of entries received.

<Click here to view all the poems>
Above 18 Category

"வெயிற்துண்டுகள்" (Veyirthundugal) / “Chiffonades of Noon”  (1st)

by Varadarajan Hemalatha 

"ஒற்றை விரல் கவிதை" (Kaalatthin kangal) / “My Pointing Finger to Impute” (2nd)

by Chitra Ramesh

“மெய்ப்பொருள்” (Meiporul) / “In Spirit” (3rd)

by Vadivu Sathiyaseelan

Below 18 Category

"மனச் சிதைவு" (Manasithaivu) / “Heartbreak” (1st)

by Vishnu G

"மனிதம்" (Manitham) / “Humanity” (2nd)

by Bala Chandar

"ஒற்றுமையின் பலம்" (Otrumaiyin Palam) / “Strength in Unity” (3rd)

by Manickavasagan Ashmitha



Above 18 Category


"似非而是" / “A Paradoxical Paradox”

by Chiu Leung  Chow

"医疗检查 " / “Medical Questionnaire” (3rd)

by Aaric Tan Xiang Yeow

"如寄" / “In Spirit”  (1st)

by Chng Tsu Pang

"夜如泼墨" / “Night is Pouring like Splashed Ink”  (1st)

by Chua Poh Leng

​Below 18 Category

"对望" / “By Our Side” (2nd)

by Levonne, Le Wen Soon

"离去也是一种回来" / “Leaving Yet Returning” (2nd)

by Nicole Lim Re Gin

"人性" / “Humanity”  (1st)

by Yang SongJian


Above 18 Category

"Warisan" / “Legacy” (3rd)

by Nur-El-Hudaa Jaffar

"Singapura Melanggar Todak" / “The Attack on the Swordfish” (2nd)

by R Azmann A Rahman

"Pemangkin" / “Catalyst” (1st)

by Nur Muhammad Hidayat Nordin 

Below 18 Category

"Segugus" / “A Cluster of Stars” (2nd)

by Nurul Natasha Abdul Rani

"Buta" / “Blinded” (3rd)

by Nur Farahnisah Bte Mohammad Fazuli

"Perlu Mahu" / “The Will” (1st)

by Izz Haziq

Above 18 Category

"My Mother Sings a National Day Song"  (1st)

by Elizabeth Fen Chen

"you need a very small space" (2nd)

by Carissa Cheow

"Circle Line" (3rd)

by Danielle Ng

"Away from the margins"

by Lynn Seo

"Don't Ask Don't Tell"

by Max Pasakorn Konwohrachet


by Hun Peng Koh

"Out of Mind"

by Jade Yeen Onn

"New Testament"

by Ashish Kumar

"In Pieces'

by Vivien Yap

"Pantoum of Embodiment"

by Margaret Devadason


Below 18 Category

"Masterpiecers"  (1st)

by Isabel Lee

"Pantang" (2nd)

by Gabrielle Ang

"So" (3rd)

by Kai Qing Chong

"This House"

by Natalie Rae-Fern Koh

"Requiem for the Haunted"

by Jing Yi Liang


by Gillian Choy


by Glenda Lee

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