Poetry Festival Singapore (PFS) is organising the inaugural National Poetry Recitation Competition (NPRC) in 2023. Celebrating poetry in all four national languages, this multilingual competition and showcase aims to promote the appreciation of poetry in the classroom and the community by encouraging students and the public in Singapore to learn poems by heart. Finalists will recite their selected poems in person during the finals on 29 and 30 July 2022 at the National Library and the Arts House.
The objectives of the competition and showcase are as follows:
To promote the appreciation of poetry in Singapore by learning poems by heart and reciting them aloud
To celebrate the diversity of poetry in all four of Singapore’s official languages
To provide an opportunity to hone oral communication skills through poetry recitation
Submission Deadline: 2 July 2023
Categories: Primary (Primary 1 to 6), Secondary (Secondary 1-5) and Open (Post-Secondary or older)
Length of video: Up to 5 minutes per video
The competition and showcase comprise the Chinese and English Language categories.
Participants are permitted – and indeed encouraged – to participate in more than one language category if they would like to do so (e.g. English and Chinese / Malay / Tamil).
For the English and Chinese categories, NPRC involves a competitive format, with prizes presented – please refer to the rules and regulations of the respective language categories.
For the Malay and Tamil categories, NPRC involves a non-competitive format and instead adopts the structure of an open-mic event, in which participants are invited to showcase their recitations without any evaluation of performances.
Click here for posters and visuals about the competition.
English Category:
Memorise 1 poem, and submit a video recording of your recitation – bonus points if you can memorise 2!
Click here to view the rules and regulations of the National Poetry Recitation Competition (English) 2023.
Click here to submit your entry for the National Poetry Recitation Competition (English) 2023.
Click here for the list of poems you can select to recite!
Chinese Category:
Click here to view the rules and regulations of the National Poetry Recitation Competition (Chinese) 2023.
Click here to register for the National Poetry Recitation Competition (Chinese) 2023.
Malay and Tamil Categories:
Please stay tuned for more updates!
The top participants in the English and Chinese Language categories will receive certificates and prizes.
The awards for the English Language category are as follows:
Primary Category:
Champion: $100
First Runner-Up: $75
Second Runner-Up: $50
Secondary Category:
Champion: $150
First Runner-Up: $100
Second Runner-Up: $75
Open Category:
Champion: $200
First Runner-Up: $150
Second Runner-Up: $100
The awards for the Chinese Language Category are as follows:
Primary Category:
Champion: $180
First Runner-Up: $160
Second Runner-Up: $140
Secondary Category:
Champion: $200
First Runner-Up: $180
Second Runner-Up: $160
Open Category:
Champion: $240
First Runner-Up: $220
Second Runner-Up: $200